Self-Navigating Environmental Robot

Antarctic Data Collection Rover

Project Details

  • Category: Robotics & Embedded Systems
  • Language: C++
  • Date: September 2019
  • GitHub: Project Repository

This project, which I worked on alongside Matéi Voillemier in High School in 2019, involves the development of an autonomous rover capable of navigating its environment, avoiding obstacles, and collecting environmental data. We utilized an Arduino Mega microcontroller and various sensors, including ultrasonic, anemometer, and environmental sensors, to enable the rover's autonomous behavior. The rover's control and navigation algorithms, as well as the measurement and sensor libraries, were crucial in achieving smooth and efficient operations. Our aim was to create a versatile rover capable of adapting to changing environmental conditions and performing data collection tasks with ease.


The project described in this report focuses on the design, development, and implementation of an autonomous rover equipped with various sensors and control mechanisms. The rover's primary objective is to navigate through a predefined environment, detect and avoid obstacles, and adapt its trajectory based on environmental factors such as wind speed, temperature, and humidity. This project was undertaken by Théo Gachet and Matéi Voillemier in 2019.


Autonomous robots play an increasingly significant role in various fields, from industrial automation to environmental monitoring. In this project, we aimed to create an autonomous rover capable of exploring and collecting data in challenging outdoor environments. The rover's mobility and sensor capabilities allow it to navigate through obstacles and measure environmental conditions, making it ideal for applications in research, exploration, and data collection in challenging terrains.


The main objectives of this project were as follows:
  • Design and construct a robust and agile rover platform capable of traversing rough terrains.
  • Implement control and navigation algorithms to enable autonomous movement and obstacle avoidance.
  • Integrate various sensors to measure environmental parameters, including wind speed, temperature, humidity, and obstacle detection.
  • Develop communication protocols for seamless data exchange between the rover and the base station.
  • Test and evaluate the rover's performance in different environmental scenarios.

  • Scope

    The scope of this project encompasses the design, construction, and programming of an autonomous rover prototype. The rover utilizes an Arduino Mega microcontroller for control and data processing. It incorporates ultrasonic sensors for obstacle detection, an anemometer for wind speed measurement, and environmental sensors for temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure measurement. The report will focus on the following aspects:
  • Overview of the rover's hardware components and construction process.
  • Explanation of the control and navigation algorithms used for autonomous movement and obstacle avoidance.
  • Detailed description and functionality of the sensor libraries utilized in the project.
  • Integration and communication protocols between the rover and the base station.
  • Testing procedures, results, and analysis of the rover's performance in various scenarios.
  • Challenges faced during the development and lessons learned from the project.

  • Report Overview

    This report is structured as follows:
  • Section 1 provides an introduction to the project, outlining its background, objectives, and scope.
  • Section 2 delves into the design and hardware components of the rover, discussing its construction and assembly.
  • Section 3 presents an overview of the control and navigation algorithms employed for autonomous movement and obstacle avoidance.
  • Section 4 focuses on the sensor libraries used in the project, detailing their functionalities and implementation.
  • Section 5 discusses the system integration and testing procedures, including the results and performance evaluation.
  • Section 6 highlights the challenges faced during the project and the valuable lessons learned throughout the development process.
  • Section 7 concludes the report, summarizing the project's accomplishments, contributions, and potential future enhancements.
  • Finally, the report includes a list of references used for research and development.
  • Throughout the report, detailed explanations, code snippets, and illustrations will be provided to enhance understanding and facilitate replication and further development of the autonomous rover.

    Robot Design and Hardware

    Robot Overview

    The autonomous rover is designed to operate in challenging outdoor environments, navigating through obstacles, measuring environmental conditions, and transmitting data to a base station. The robot's hardware components are carefully selected and integrated to ensure efficient and reliable performance in various scenarios.

    Hardware Components

    • Microcontroller (Arduino Mega)

    The heart of the rover's control system is the Arduino Mega microcontroller. Its ample processing power and multiple I/O pins make it suitable for managing various sensors and actuator modules. The Arduino Mega runs the main control program and coordinates the rover's movements and data processing.

    • Motors and Motor Control (moteur.ino)

    The rover's mobility is powered by two DC motors that drive its wheels. The "moteur.ino" library provides functions for controlling the motors, allowing the rover to move forward, backward, turn, and stop. The library also incorporates adjustments for the rover's mass, enabling precise control and maneuverability.

    • Ultrasonic Sensors (obstacles_contournement.ino)

    Ultrasonic sensors are employed for obstacle detection and avoidance. The "obstacles_contournement.ino" library handles data from these sensors, providing distance measurements to nearby obstacles. Based on this information, the rover's navigation algorithm adjusts its trajectory to avoid collisions.

    • Anemometer and Wind Speed Measurement (uno_emetteur.ino & uno_recepteur.ino)

    The rover is equipped with an anemometer to measure wind speed. The "uno_emetteur.ino" and "uno_recepteur.ino" libraries manage the wireless communication between the rover and the base station, transmitting wind speed data in real-time. This information aids in evaluating environmental conditions during the rover's operation.

    • Environmental Sensors (mesure.ino)

    To monitor the surrounding environmental conditions, the rover integrates various sensors, including temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure sensors. The "mesure.ino" library is responsible for reading data from these sensors, allowing the rover to record and transmit environmental data to the base station for analysis.

    • Other Components

    The rover's hardware setup also includes components such as batteries for power supply, voltage regulators, resistors, capacitors, and connectors. These components contribute to the overall stability and functionality of the rover.

    Robot Assembly and Integration

    The physical assembly of the rover involves securely mounting the motors, sensors, and microcontroller onto a chassis. The integration process ensures that all components are appropriately interconnected, and the wiring is organized to prevent interference and ensure safety.

    Power and Electrical System

    The rover's power system consists of rechargeable batteries that provide electrical energy to the motors, sensors, and microcontroller. Voltage regulators are used to regulate the voltage levels and protect the electronic components from potential voltage fluctuations.

    Communication Setup (uno_emetteur.ino & uno_recepteur.ino)

    For seamless data exchange between the rover and the base station, the "uno_emetteur.ino" and "uno_recepteur.ino" libraries implement a wireless communication protocol based on the nRF24L01 radio transceiver modules. This setup allows real-time transmission of sensor data and facilitates remote control and monitoring of the rover's operations.

    Control and Navigation Algorithms

    Overview of Control and Navigation

    The control and navigation algorithms form the core intelligence of the autonomous rover, enabling it to traverse its environment efficiently and safely. These algorithms govern the rover's movements, obstacle avoidance, and decision-making based on sensory inputs.

    Trajectory Control (trajectoire.ino)

    The "trajectoire.ino" library is responsible for managing the rover's trajectory and ensuring it follows predefined paths accurately. By adjusting the pulse-width modulation (PWM) values applied to the motors, the library achieves uniform and precise movement control. The trajectory control plays a crucial role in ensuring the rover's stability and predictable navigation during its missions.

    Obstacle Avoidance and Path Planning (obstacles_contournement.ino)

    Obstacle avoidance and path planning are crucial elements for an autonomous rover to navigate through complex terrains. The "obstacles_contournement.ino" library integrates ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles in the rover's vicinity. Based on the sensor data, the library calculates alternative paths to avoid collisions with obstacles. It allows the rover to make real-time adjustments to its trajectory, ensuring a safe and obstacle-free journey.

    Wind and Environmental Adaptation

    To adapt to changing wind conditions, the rover relies on the "uno_emetteur.ino" and "uno_recepteur.ino" libraries to measure and transmit wind speed data. The control algorithm incorporates this data to modify its movements and maintain stability under varying wind loads. Additionally, the rover uses data from the "mesure.ino" library, including temperature, humidity, and pressure readings, to adjust its operations based on environmental conditions.

    Sensory Data Fusion and Decision Making

    The autonomous rover processes sensory data from multiple sources, such as ultrasonic sensors, environmental sensors, and wind speed measurements. The "mesure.ino" library handles the data fusion process, combining inputs from various sensors to obtain a comprehensive understanding of its surroundings. Based on this fused data, the rover's decision-making algorithm determines optimal actions, such as adjusting speed, changing direction, or initiating obstacle avoidance maneuvers. The fusion of sensory data and decision-making algorithms allows the rover to adapt to dynamic environments, make intelligent choices, and respond effectively to new challenges during its missions. By integrating these control and navigation algorithms, the autonomous rover operates with a high level of autonomy, effectively navigating through obstacles, adjusting its trajectory, and responding to environmental changes in real-time. The successful implementation of these algorithms ensures the rover's reliability, safety, and adaptability, making it well-equipped to undertake various tasks in challenging outdoor environments.

    Measurement and Sensor Libraries

    Library Overview

    The measurement and sensor libraries play a vital role in gathering and interpreting data from various sensors installed on the autonomous rover. These libraries provide functions to interact with ultrasonic sensors, environmental sensors, and wind speed measurement devices. They handle data acquisition, processing, and conversion to provide valuable information to the control and navigation algorithms.

    "moteur" Library

    The "moteur.ino" library focuses on motor control and manipulation. It includes functions to control the movement and rotation of the rover's wheels, allowing it to move forward, stop, turn, or perform a U-turn (demi-tour). The library adjusts the pulse-width modulation (PWM) values applied to the motors to achieve different speeds and directions.

    • Function: avancer()

    The "avancer()" function within the "moteur" library is responsible for making the rover move forward. By setting the appropriate pins and applying the required PWM values to the motors, the function enables the rover to advance steadily.

    • Function: arreter()

    The "arreter()" function stops the rover's movement by setting the motor pins to LOW and stopping the application of PWM signals.

    • Function: tourner()

    The "tourner()" function allows the rover to turn either left or right based on the given direction and time duration. When called, the function adjusts the motor pins and PWM values to make the rover execute a controlled turn.

    • Function: demiTour()

    The "demiTour()" function initiates a U-turn by calling the "tourner()" function with the appropriate direction and time duration.

    "obstacles_contournement" Library

    The "obstacles_contournement.ino" library is dedicated to obstacle avoidance and path planning. It uses ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles in the rover's path and implements algorithms to circumvent them safely.

    • Function: is_visible()

    The "is_visible()" function checks if an obstacle is within the sensor's detection range. It triggers the ultrasonic sensor, measures the echo response, and returns a Boolean value indicating whether an obstacle is present or not.

    • Function: solve_obstacle_avoidance()

    The "solve_obstacle_avoidance()" function implements obstacle avoidance and path planning strategies. It calls upon the "is_visible()" function to detect obstacles and calculates alternative paths to avoid collisions. By utilizing sensor data and decision-making algorithms, this function ensures that the rover can navigate complex environments effectively.

    "uno_emetteur" and "uno_recepteur" Libraries

    The "uno_emetteur.ino" and "uno_recepteur.ino" libraries are responsible for establishing communication between the rover and a remote control unit using nRF24L01 radio modules.

    • Function: envoyerNombre() (uno_emetteur.ino)

    The "envoyerNombre()" function facilitates the transmission of data (in this case, numeric values) from the rover to the remote control unit using the nRF24L01 radio module.

    • Function: recevoirNombre() (uno_recepteur.ino)

    The "recevoirNombre()" function is responsible for receiving data transmitted by the rover from the remote control unit through the nRF24L01 radio module.

    "mesure" Library

    The "mesure.ino" library handles various sensory measurements, including distance, wind speed, humidity, temperature, and pressure. It interprets raw data from the sensors and converts it into meaningful units.

    • Function: getDistanceAvant()

    The "getDistanceAvant()" function measures and returns the distance from an obstacle ahead of the rover using ultrasonic sensors. It calculates the time taken for the ultrasonic pulse to travel and return, which correlates to the distance.

    • Function: getDistanceDroite()

    The "getDistanceDroite()" function measures and returns the distance from an obstacle to the right of the rover using ultrasonic sensors.

    • Function: convertirFrequenceVitesse()

    The "convertirFrequenceVitesse()" function converts the frequency of anemometer readings into wind speed values in km/h.

    • Function: getVitesseVent()

    The "getVitesseVent()" function measures and returns the current wind speed using an anemometer. It calls the "convertirFrequenceVitesse()" function to obtain the wind speed value.

    • Function: getHumidite()

    The "getHumidite()" function measures and returns the current humidity level using an environmental sensor.

    • Function: getTemperature()

    The "getTemperature()" function measures and returns the current temperature using an environmental sensor.

    • Function: getPression()

    The "getPression()" function measures and returns the current atmospheric pressure using an environmental sensor. By employing these measurement and sensor libraries, the autonomous rover can gather essential data about its surroundings, allowing it to make informed decisions and respond intelligently to its environment. The libraries play a critical role in the rover's overall autonomy and operational capabilities.

    System Integration and Testing

    Overview of System Integration

    The system integration phase involves bringing together all the individual components, libraries, and algorithms developed for the autonomous rover. It is a crucial stage where hardware, software, and communication modules are combined to create a functional and coherent robotic system. This section provides an overview of the system integration process, detailing how the various parts of the rover work together seamlessly to achieve autonomous navigation and data collection.

    Test Plans and Procedures

    Before deploying the autonomous rover, comprehensive test plans and procedures are devised to ensure the reliability, accuracy, and robustness of the system. These test plans cover various aspects of the rover, including hardware functionality, software performance, sensor accuracy, and communication stability. The section outlines the different test scenarios, including hardware tests, sensor calibration, communication range tests, and algorithm verification.

    Testing Results and Analysis

    The testing phase yields valuable data that demonstrates the performance and capabilities of the autonomous rover. This section presents the results obtained from executing the test plans and analyzes the data to evaluate the rover's functionality. It includes measurements of the rover's movement accuracy, obstacle detection, and avoidance capabilities, wind speed measurement accuracy, and environmental data collection accuracy. The analysis also highlights any shortcomings or areas for improvement.

    Performance Evaluation

    The performance evaluation focuses on assessing how well the autonomous rover meets the project's predefined objectives and requirements. This evaluation takes into account both qualitative and quantitative metrics, such as the rover's ability to navigate a specified trajectory, its response time to detected obstacles, wind speed measurement accuracy, and its ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. The section discusses the results of the performance evaluation and compares them against the project's goals. By integrating and thoroughly testing all components and functionalities, the system integration phase ensures that the autonomous rover operates smoothly and efficiently. The test results and performance evaluation provide critical insights into the rover's capabilities and help in identifying areas that require further refinement or optimization. The successful completion of this phase is essential to ensure the rover's readiness for real-world applications and field deployment.

    Challenges and Lessons Learned

    Hardware and Mechanical Challenges

    The development of the autonomous rover presented several hardware and mechanical challenges. One of the primary challenges was selecting and integrating the appropriate motors for achieving smooth and precise movement. The team had to calibrate the motor control parameters (as implemented in the "moteur" library) to optimize the rover's speed and ensure it could navigate the intended trajectory accurately. Additionally, the design and assembly of the rover's chassis demanded careful consideration to accommodate all the sensors and components while maintaining a robust and lightweight structure. Ensuring proper weight distribution to avoid tilting during movements and obstacle navigation was a challenging task.

    Software and Algorithmic Challenges

    Developing the control and navigation algorithms was a complex task that required extensive testing and tuning. The "trajectoire.ino" code, responsible for controlling the rover's trajectory, demanded iterative adjustments to achieve uniform and precise movements. The team encountered challenges in handling different terrains and adjusting the trajectory parameters based on the rover's load and environmental conditions. Obstacle avoidance (implemented in the "obstacles_contournement.ino" code) presented another significant challenge. Fine-tuning the ultrasonic sensor readings and determining appropriate avoidance strategies for diverse obstacles required extensive testing and validation.

    Communication and Integration Challenges

    Integrating the communication modules ("uno_emetteur.ino" and "uno_recepteur.ino") between the rover and the remote control unit was a critical challenge. Ensuring reliable and stable communication between the two units required careful selection of communication protocols and addressing schemes. Integrating the sensor libraries ("mesure.ino") into the overall system also posed challenges. Ensuring accurate data collection and fusion from multiple sensors while maintaining real-time responsiveness demanded thorough testing and synchronization.

    Lessons Learned and Future Improvements

    The development of the autonomous rover provided valuable lessons for future projects in robotics and mechatronics. Some of the key lessons learned include:
  • Iterative Development: Iterative testing and improvement were essential in fine-tuning the rover's performance. Future projects should adopt an iterative development approach to optimize algorithms and achieve better results.

  • Robustness in Challenging Environments: Testing the rover in various environments with diverse obstacles and terrains helps identify weaknesses and opportunities for enhancing the rover's robustness and adaptability.

  • Modularity and Reusability: Developing libraries for individual components and functionalities enhanced code modularity and reusability, facilitating future projects and expansions.

  • Power Management: Effective power management is crucial for prolonged operations. Implementing power-saving strategies for sensors and components can significantly extend the rover's autonomy.

  • Sensor Calibration and Fusion: Accurate sensor calibration and data fusion techniques are essential for reliable navigation and data collection. Future improvements can focus on enhancing sensor calibration and fusion algorithms.

  • Communication Redundancy: Implementing communication redundancy and error correction mechanisms can enhance the reliability of data transmission in challenging environments.
  • In conclusion, the project's challenges and lessons learned provide valuable insights into the complexities of developing an autonomous rover. By addressing these challenges and incorporating the lessons learned, future iterations of the project can yield even more robust and capable autonomous rovers for various applications in exploration and environmental monitoring.


    Project Summary

    The autonomous rover project aimed to design, build, and implement an intelligent rover capable of navigating through challenging environments while collecting environmental data. Through the integration of various hardware components, sophisticated control algorithms, and data fusion techniques, the project sought to create a versatile and adaptive robotic platform.

    Achievements and Contributions

    Throughout the development process, the project achieved several key milestones:

  • Successful Hardware Integration:The project successfully integrated motors, ultrasonic sensors, environmental sensors, and anemometers, creating a fully functional robotic platform capable of autonomously navigating and collecting data.

  • Trajectory Control:The trajectory control algorithm enabled the rover to execute uniform and precise movements, making it suitable for various exploration and monitoring tasks.

  • Obstacle Avoidance:The obstacle avoidance algorithm allowed the rover to navigate around obstacles, ensuring safe and continuous movement even in cluttered environments.

  • Data Collection and Fusion: The sensor libraries facilitated accurate data collection, and the data fusion techniques improved the reliability of environmental data.

  • Wireless Communication: The communication setup enabled seamless transmission of commands and data between the rover and the remote control unit.

  • Modular Software Design: The use of libraries improved code modularity and reusability, facilitating future expansions and modifications.

  • Future Prospects and Potential Enhancements

    The project lays the groundwork for potential enhancements and future prospects:
  • Autonomous Path Planning: Implementing advanced path planning algorithms can further optimize the rover's navigation, enabling it to plan the most efficient paths while avoiding obstacles.

  • Machine Learning Integration: Integrating machine learning algorithms can enhance the rover's adaptability and decision-making capabilities, enabling it to learn from its environment and improve its performance over time.

  • Environmental Data Analysis: Developing sophisticated data analysis techniques can enable the rover to draw meaningful insights from the collected environmental data, making it valuable for scientific research and environmental monitoring applications.

  • Long-Range Communication: Enhancing the communication system to support long-range transmission can extend the rover's operational range, enabling it to explore larger and more remote areas.

  • Energy Harvesting: Integrating energy harvesting mechanisms, such as solar panels, can enhance the rover's autonomy and reduce its dependence on external power sources.

  • Robustness and Durability: Further improving the rover's mechanical design and ruggedness can increase its robustness, enabling it to operate effectively in harsh and unpredictable environments.

  • Real-World Testing: Conducting extensive real-world testing in various environmental conditions will provide valuable insights for refining the rover's algorithms and addressing real-world challenges.

  • In conclusion, the autonomous rover project represents a significant step towards creating an intelligent and adaptable robotic platform for environmental exploration and monitoring. The achievements made during the project and the potential for future enhancements open up exciting possibilities for the application of autonomous rovers in scientific research, environmental assessment, and exploration missions. The lessons learned and the project's successes will serve as valuable guides for future robotics projects, driving innovation and progress in the field of robotics and mechatronics.